Message to The Grassroots

Echoes of What Was Learned From the November 8th Elections


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Poor People’s Campaign for voting rights and unity. Video Still/Poor People’s Campaign

DETROIT, MI — Echoes of what was learned in the November 8th election continues to resonant with more lessons each day. New groups of political ‘rat bastards’ are being exposed for the anti-democracy fiends they are as they try to orchestrate in broad daylight mechanisms that deny rights.

They have no shame – women can be JAILED for having a pregnancy interrupted in several states like Oklahoma, Alabama, Texas, and a few others – OUTRAGEOUS – with charges that range in different degrees of punishment. In Pennsylvania, the losing gubernatorial candidate said the pregnant female, her family, her doctor, and the State should make medical decisions concerning continuing a pregnancy.

Over-turning Roe was horrific and part of the pathway toward multiple anti-democracy steps being rolled out for working people. Half of the country lost the right to have this procedure on the day that Supreme Court decision was rendered.

Women lost access to a protected healthcare procedure that has stood for decades, but there are other attempts unfolding to scuttle other absolute rights as well. Two lesser-known ‘rat bastards’ (Jacob Wohl & Jack Burkman) financed a campaign in 2020 that involved creating a series of taped messages that were ‘social media’d’ out to communities of color warning them not to use absentee ballots. WHY? The flat-out-lying message said local authorities had been given permission to view absentee ballots looking for persons with outstanding warrants or those who owed money to this or that corporation.
An “African-American” voice was used to commit this crime and to further this scam — OUTRAGEOUS! The Justice Department got wind of this attempt to scare segments of the population away from voting, so these two demons after two years in and out of court finally pled GUILTY in October and are waiting for sentencing any day now. This voter suppression attempt was discovered, but how many others were launched, all in an effort to deny the right to vote?

So, November 8th was a class for the ‘working class.’ There were bullies with bullets at ballot boxes. There were messages of madness sent via social media. There were claims of corruption conjured up by con artists before the vote counting commenced. This is how it starts… a little loss of freedom here followed by a little more loss of freedom there:

“First, they came for union members, the religious & the disabled, but since I was not one of them, I said nothing. Then they came for LGBTQ+ folks, but since I was not one of them, I said nothing. Then they came after pregnant girls, but because I was not a pregnant girl, I said nothing. Then there was a knock on my door, but I had no one to call for help.”

Not exactly the way these words were first offered, but we get the message. Imagine what a new world would look like – the door is open for that transformation to begin. In the hands of these corporations, automation trumps human labor. Computers and robots can do what people used to do and they do it better, faster, and cheaper. A Model T — today is a Corvette…A transistor radio — today is an I-Phone…foot shopping at the Mall — today is
emailing thru Amazon Prime. Either we control our future, or corporations will. Do something…Join something…Say something. So let it be written, so let it be done.

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