An Open Letter to Tennessee Governor Bill Lee


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The “Tennessee Three”: (Left to Right): Rep. Gloria Johnson, and the two expelled legislators, Rep. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson for standing up for students demands for gun reform, following the kiling of 6 people, 3 of them children.

Dear Mr. Lee,

While I’m speaking only for myself, I’m sure these sentiments are echoed by many others, people who were deeply saddened by the loss of six precious lives, three of them nine-year-old children. You got on TV, offering the obligatory thoughts and prayers. And when numerous individuals asked you and our elected officials to take action you decided that more guns were the answer? By your own admission, two adults were friends of yours and our First Lady. In fact, you said Maria was scheduled to have dinner with one of the deceased in the coming days. Did you think we forgot about your daughter who almost ended her life from a self-inflicted gunshot wound having used one of your guns?

You’re a hypocrite Mr. Lee. The only reason you refuse to enact any meaningful changes to the gun laws is because you are afraid Smith and Wesson may pull their business from this state. How much money do you receive from the NRA? I’m sure the Republicans in the State House also have deep pockets. Mr. Lee, I for one am tired of you selling our state out to special interest groups that many of us don’t want in our state. I’m tired of you not caring about every individual you govern. We have homeless people that could benefit from increasing State Medicaid so everyone has a chance at good health. Our state has had a plan to end homelessness since 2016. Nothing has been done. You cannot help homeless people get into housing unless you deal with their physical and mental health first. Without increased Medicaid, these people cannot get off the streets.

And then, when we have representatives who want to make changes for the betterment of everyone, they get kicked out of the House and stripped of their status. Memphis is trying to reinstate Rep. Justin Pearson, and the speaker of our House has made threats about pulling funding to the city of Memphis. You cry about the Constitution, yet the First Amendment gets trounced on daily. So much illegality. We see this and we will vote accordingly. We have a whole generation becoming eligible to vote and they will remember this. I’m not sure how you sleep at night, Mr. Lee.

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