Teen Sold For Sex Faces Life in Prison for Defending Herself

Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling Gives Woman A Chance to Be Acquitted


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Chrystul Kizer, a 17 year old sex trafficking victim shown in court. Now 23, she was 17 at the time of her arrest. Photo/Facebook, Lisa Spees

Editor’s Note: Below is some information on Chrystul Kitzer’s case, and some hopeful news resulting from a recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision. Advocates have said that what makes this case unusual is only the public attention it is getting.

“Chrystul Kizer is a sex trafficking victim who killed the man abusing and selling her for sex. She’s been charged and faces life in prison for defending herself.”

As of 2023, Chrystul’s case has not gone to trial. In 2022, she was released on $400,000 bond, [a result of a widespread effort by advocates on her behalf.] Community groups paid for her bail.For more information, see: https://chicagobond.org/2020/06/22/community-groups-pay-400000-bond-to-free-trafficking-survivor-chrystul-kizer-in-kenosha-wi/?fbclid=IwAR1164IZPYbLgsWNcUHE4jdtgJN6M6j6sSRJkYIMHDHbPEyycd3aYsbIllE

Chrystul is now 23 years of age.

Washington Post (excerpt) July 6 2023:

“In a groundbreaking decision [this year], the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that a teenager who killed her sexual abuser may have the chance to be acquitted of all charges.

“The decision is a major win for Chrystul Kizer, now 22, a Black woman who is facing life in prison for the crimes she committed at 17, and for anti-trafficking advocates who have spent decades pushing for laws to protect people like Kizer.”

Change.org – Excerpt from Petition to Drop All Charges Against Chrystul Kizer. See link below for information and how you can help.

“At 17-years old, Chrystul was trafficked by Randall P. Volar III from Milwaukee to Kenosha, Wisconsin where she experienced ongoing physical and sexual abuse. Volar was under active investigation by the Kenosha Police Department for sexual conduct with additional underage girls prior to his death. In the state of Wisconsin, people under the age of 18 years old are not able to consent to engage in sexual activity therefore, any “sexual conduct” Volar had with these girls, including Chrystul, was sexual violence.

“According to Chrystul and her legal counsel, on June 5, 2018 Chrystul resisted Volar’s attempts to forcibly engage in sexual activity. During this struggle, Chrystul shot Volar in an act of self-defense. Chrystul has been charged, wrongfully, for surviving violence. She is being criminalized for staying alive.” See Change.org for more information about the case and what you can do: https://www.change.org/p/drop-all-charges-against-incarcerated-trafficking-survivor-chrystul-kizer

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