Sweeps Kill! The City of Sacramento is Complicit in Homeless Deaths


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The City of Sacramento is Complicit in Homeless Deaths
Photo Sacramento Homeless Union

We know that sweeps kill. As history repeats itself the city and county of Sacramento are going to move forward with allowing this sweep at Camp Resolution, home to many unhoused people in Sacramento who care for one another. We have contacted the public health officer trying to stop it.

Vanessa was a Homeless Union leader of Stockton Boulevard SOS camp. Many of you may know it as the Stockton Boulevard camp at the Old San Juan motel. In 2019 we went through what was similar to what they are trying to do to Camp Resolution. On January of 2019 they pretended to come out and give faulty services.

Ultimately May 1, 2019, after tons of rallying for a community of over 200 individuals, the county came in and there was a brutal standoff between 30 protesters and 140 SWAT officers as they shut down the Stockton Boulevard camp. They violently broke through the gate, pushed and shoved and ultimately kicked people out, including breaking the arm of another leader named Betty.

Vanessa found safety in her encampment. People took care of her and she took care of them. We warned over and over about the harms that were going to come to the people. Approximately one week after she was kicked out of the camp, Vanessa was found beaten and sexually assaulted, her arms and neck broken in an abandoned house. 55 of the 200 people that were at 5700 Stockton Boulevard have died since 2019. Five of them have been given housing and resources. The rest have been recycled from block to block, including hot spots like Diaz, 48th Stockton Boulevard, Lawrence etc. The city and county of Sacramento will continue to have blood on their hands, and this time like every time, it will be shameful. How dare the city of Sacramento be complicit in genocide of people experiencing homelessness! 44 of 48 Camp Resolution residents are disabled. Disability accommodations have been requested per their policy and a letter from disability rights of California has been sent, but they continue to ignore our attorneys and continue to violate the rights of our unhoused community @eric.guerra @thecityofsac stop the sweep! You won’t be able to recover from this one. @sacpolice @sacpolicechief don’t be complicit in the death of these individuals! You have discretion to carry out these orders from an overpaid city manager.

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