Hip Hop speakers bring a vision of a new society


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Presented by Speakers for a New America:
pt.2014.02.10_shamakoShamako Noble is an artist, organizer and author. He is best known for his work with the 
Hip Hop Congress, which he co-founded, and he is currently the organization’s president. Shamako has performed all over the US. He has participated in numerous events, including Netroots Nation, the March for our Lives, the U.S. Social Forum, National Truth Commissions and the U.S. Courts of Women on Poverty. He was the Racial and Social Justice Organizer for the Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala 2012 presidential and vice-presidential campaign. Shamako’s first album, “The Return of the Coming of the Aftermath”, was released in 2004. Shamako incorporates Hip Hop culture into education and youth programs. He speaks and teaches workshops and teach-ins on the origins of hip hop and organizing and activism in hip hop culture. He brings a vision of a new society where everyone’s needs are met.
pt.2014.02.10_micMic Crenshaw is the Lead Organizer in the US for the Afrikan Hip Hop Caravan, and he is the Political Director of Hip Hop Congress. Mic uses spoken word, Hip Hop performance and popular education as a form of cultural activism. In his talks, he examines the historical role of race and class division in our society and facilitates a discussion on where we’ve been, where we are and what the future holds. Mic was an anti-racist organizer and founding member of Anti- Racist Action (ARA) in Minneapolis in the late 1980s. In the 1990’s he moved to Portland where he continues to organize in the housing justice movement. He works for HIFE (Housing Is For Everyone.) In 2004 Mic went to Rwanda for an Economic Justice conference and has since led efforts to establish and sustain a computer education center in Burundi through his Global Fam organization.
To book a speaker, call 800-691-6888 or email info@speakersforanewamerica.com.
Visit our website at speakersforanewamerica.com.

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