Water fight heats up in Michigan


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The water fight is heating up again in Michigan. The state, which is the representative of corporate interests, is now trying to take over the Highland Park and Detroit water departments.  This is happening amongst all the other activity taking place—the legislature just voted to make Michigan an anti-union, right-to-work state. Corporate fascism in Michigan is creeping in.
The State of Michigan is trying to have private corporations take over the Detroit Water Department. If they are successful, then the Highland Park water will not be safe. Further, if the water in Detroit and Highland Park goes private, so goes the Great Lakes water supply. So if they get Detroit, they get the nation.
Since there is so much opposition to privatizing the water, the state and the corporations have to maneuver behind the scenes to accomplish their goals.  Recently, the Highland Park, Michigan water service was transferred to Detroit supposedly on a temporary basis for four days due to a malfunction in the water pumping station. This action happened without the State person and the Mayor of Highland Park notifying the City Council, the body that is head of the Highland Park Water Department. Residents found out because their drinking water suddenly turned yellow or brown.  Residents were not notified to boil their water.
We finally got an official notification by the Mayor after some ten days. He stated he did not know when our water would be transferred back to Highland Park. These decisions are being made by the advisor to the state who works for Gov. Snyder and the Mayor of Highland Park. Their ultimate goal is to take the water from the residents. As far as the Mayor is concerned, we are better off staying with Detroit providing the water or privatizing the water.
The State of Michigan is trying to put the Detroit Water Department under private management.  Detroit is operating under a “Consent Agreement” with the State meaning that the State has a lot of power within the city. This action with the water is also the key to opening up the Great Lakes to them.  The Great Lakes is the best fresh water in the nation. Imagine the profits that could be made. Right now the residents own the water in Highland Park and Detroit. This is the problem they face.
We must continue the fight against the corporations taking over our water.  The future of our ability to protect our water is in our hands. We must protect our water.

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