Flint water disaster is still alive and dangerous


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Two Years Too Long” commemoration rally of the Flint River water poisoning in Flint, MI PHOTO/MEGAN E. KREGER

A FEDERAL EMERGENCY for Flint, Michigan was declared on January 16, 2016. That declaration expires on August 14, 2016. The federal emergency did NOT solve the problem that Flint residents face everyday. After President Obama’s viit to Flint, MI in May, the nation was led to believe that the water was safe to drink and donations declined.
Many are still sick and suffering with various issues due to the Flint toxic water.
Experts agree that our water quality still fails the lead and copper rule test!! Furthermore, when the Environmental Protection Agency recently declared Flint water safe with the use of sink filtrs, the County Medical Society warned that children under 6, pregnant women and those with a compromised immune system should continue using bottled water!!
which would allow, for example, the Army Corp of Engineers to replace the infrastructure.
(2) Make full Medicare available for every FLINT resident immediately.
(3) Abolish Michigan Emergency Law (P.A.436) to protect DEMOCRACY in Michigan.
Congress failed to take up the “Families of Flint Act” bfore recessing early on a seven week summer break. Meanwhile, Flint families do not have the privilege of recessing and taking a break from toxic water!!!
Editor’s note: This is from a Facebook post at FlintH20justice.

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  1. should be a media outcry that only 33 houses with lead pipe have been replace with lead free water service piping to this day. Shame on Gop Government control in Lansing they are not looking or caring about the kids, seniors all residents in Flint


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