Elections: Raise the demands of the people


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Michigan activists picket a Donald Trump event, protesting his anti-working class program that blames immigrant workers for the system’s joblessness. PHOTO/JIMWESTPHOTO.COM
Michigan activists picket a Donald Trump event, protesting his anti-working class program that blames immigrant workers for the system’s joblessness.

On these pages are voices of the people in this election season. The struggle in Michigan, where public assets such as water and public schools, are being taken over by corporations via a governor appointed dictatorship, eliminating democracy, is showing what is in store for all of America. People throughout the country are becoming aware and are crying out for a new kind of government and a new society that is responsible to we, the people, not the corporations.
— People’s Tribune
Quotes from presidential debate parties and others:
“I don’t know what either one of them will do for medical care, which affects many of us, especially single parents.”
“My concern is that the poor will get worse because of lowering the taxes on the wealthy. Another concern is inclusion for all—Black, white, gay, straight, all cultures, religions, and ethnicities. No war. No war. ”
“My main concern is wealth inequality—it is getting worse.”
“The question is, what will be your gift that ultimately defines your life span on this planet? Think big because money can be lost, but a loving impact never goes away—it just multiplies. How far will your gift reach? To my mind, these are the only wealth questions worth putting our limited time into,” says Cherri Foytlin, a South Louisiana mom and water protector
Articles from the print edition:
“The status quo doesn’t work”

“The status quo doesn’t work”

Candidate pledges to wrest control from corporations

Candidate pledges to wrest control of government from corporations

2 Years 2 Long Coalition Demands: Congress Act Now to Bring Relief to Flint Water Crisis

2 Years 2 Long Coalition Demands: Congress Act Now to Bring Relief to Flint Water Crisis

Fight for fair, democratic elections

Fight for Fair, Democratic Elections!

School Board Race: Keeping public schools public for Detroit’s children

School Board Race: Keeping public schools public for Detroit’s children

Visit peoplestribune.org for more coverage on the elections and on the struggle against dictatorship in Michigan.

Zerlina Smith, activist mom and Jill Stein campaign Illinois coordinator, brought the crowd to its feet at the People’s Church in Chicago. PHOTO/SANDY REID
Zerlina Smith, activist mom and Jill Stein campaign Illinois coordinator, brought the crowd to its feet at the People’s Church in Chicago.

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