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Flint Water Crisis

Flint is Still Broken — 10 Years Later

Hear Flint voices at the 10-Year after Commemoration of the water crisis.

Eric Mays: Flint Firebrand Passes Away

A larger-than-life figure, Flint Michigan's Eric Mays was dubbed “the voice”, not only for his deep baritone, but for his relentless pursuit of social justice.

Aida Rodriquez on Nipsey Hussle

Entertainer Aida Rodriquez challenges America's morality in this inspiring video about the life of rapper Nipsey Hussle, who was killed in Los Angeles in...

Tarana Burke on What “Me Too Is Really About”

Me Too founder Tarana Burke reacts to Harvey Weinstein's indictment and discusses what some people misunderstand about the movement.

Denmark SC Water crisis

The People’s Tribune interviewed Deanna Berry from Denmark, South Carolina about the town’s water struggle. Residents say water runs brown, stains the laundry and...

Bootleg of The Dayton Family – City of Lead

This video is about the water crisis in #Flint Michigan and the problems that stem from it. Please share to spread the word. We...

Here’s to Flint: I’m not killing anybody.

Based on the work of ACLU of Michigan investigative reporter Curt Guyette, "Here's To Flint" is an exhaustive probe into how the city of...

Interactive video-based database about Detroit’s water crisis

produced by Kate Levy. Tens of thousands of families in Detroit have had their water shut off for inability to pay the skyrocketing price...

Third year commemoration of the poisoning of Flint

April, 2017 marks the third year commemoration of the poisoning of the water and the people of Flint. As a tribute to their monumental struggle, which has put the ...

Flint Water Crisis: Why I voted for Jill Stein

I put my heart, soul, spirit and HOPES in Bernie Sanders. HOPE that we could restore the wrongs. HOPE, that together, we could take back our government, ...

No more poison in Detroit’s water and air

For too long, corporate polluters have put the profits before human lives in Michigan. The corporation US Ecology has been seeking permission from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality ...

We Are One

My heart has been heavy for weeks now as I visualize first-hand the tragedies of this war waged upon the people. But I am not the only one. The people are agitated as ...

Notes from the Flint water front

While Congress and State officials continue to hold meetings, hearings and investigations, Flint residents still live their lives using bottled water and sink filters while coping with health challenges ...

“Home” (about the Flint water crisis)

Judge my heart not my mind if you hating on me just wait in line Out that city where kids are dying if its not from the lead in the water

Water is a human right: Poetry in Defense of Flint, Michigan

This special feature section, "In Defense of Flint," is a partnership between The People’s Tribune of Chicago and Caravel in response to the contamination of the city of Flint's water supply. Many of the poems here were published in April 2016 as a special insert to The People's Tribune for National Poetry Month.

Healthcare and Democracy: A Political Public Health Emergency

“As registered nurses, we are compelled to advocate for all our patients, whether at the bedside or in our neighborhoods and communities. To that end ...

Dictator law poisoned Flint: Harbinger for America?

  A battle is unfolding in America. The workers are fighting for life itself— for food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education against a corporate class...

Flint in forefront of battle for health care for everyone

  America’s inability to provide good health care for all is most clearly visible when we have a health catastrophe such as exists today in...

“Here’s to Flint,” a new documentary about the poisoning of a city

‘It is a real honor to be in the room with all of you. I have one thing to say: it’s the power of documentation. Document injustices in your community ...

Why are they poisoning our children?

  Tammy Loren, a mother of four who lives in Flint, recently told the New York Times, “My trust in everybody is completely gone, out...

Dictatorship in Michigan: Flint Water Warriors expose the truth

On this page we present the voices of those in Flint, Detroit, and Benton Harbor, Michigan, and across the nation, who are waging a determined struggle ...

Nationwide solidarity with Flint

In the face of government inaction, individuals, organizations, unions, doctors and many others are rallying in the defense of the people of Flint. Here are some ...

“It’s going to take national collaboration,” says fighter from West Virginia

“I come from a long line of coalminers. My grandfather died of black lung. My dad died of cancer and black lung. My stepfather died of heart disease and black lung. ...

Threat to democracy and jury system in water trial

In July of 2014, nine protesters were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct as they blocked Homrich trucks hired by the city from leaving their ...

Water Wars Escalate In Flint, MI

“The thought of people being put out of their homes because the water has been cut off and it's been cut off illegally is very emotional to me.” — Val Washington, Flint ...

Resistance to fascism grows in Benton Harbor

Once the robots began replacing workers in factories and poverty began to spread, the corporations began to impose fascism to contain the workers and guarantee ...

Water for life, not for profit

The poisoning of the people of Flint, Michigan—especially the children—with lead and other toxins in the drinking water is just the latest ugly ...

Lead in drinking water. Do Flint lives matter?

The city of Flint has eroded public trust and violated the social contract between the residents and their government. The continued inaction of the ...

The Real Cost of Water

By Salvador Sandoval MD, MPH MERCED, CA — In the midst of a drought, and with wells on small farms and towns throughout the Central...

HUD “learns” about Detroit’s foreclosure and water crisis

After months and months of DAILY emails from Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO), on September 8, the Department of Housing and Urban ...

“Lead astray”: Drinking water in Flint, MI unsafe

Despite claims by city and state officials that the water supply in Flint is safe to drink, independent expert tests conclusively show that city’s drinking ...

Judge drops bomb on illegal water rate hikes in Flint, MI: Ruling breathes life into fight for water rights

After months of demonstrations, public forums and court challenges, residents of Flint, Michigan, are emboldened by a court decision in their quest ...

Water Justice Journey

The march came out of the International Gathering on Water and Housing held in Detroit in May. It began in Detroit where tens of thousands ...

Emergency Manager law enables corporate takeover of Michigan’s water

In 2001, the notorious right-wing think tank, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, devoted their quarterly magazine “Michigan Privatization ...

Access to water is a human right

Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and the Peoples Water Board have fought tooth and nail over these last 16 months, in every way possible ...

International Social Movements Gathering on Water and Affordable Housing, Detroit, MI

“In 2012 the city stopped sending out water bills. Now residents are getting water bills for thousands of dollars. The bills are attached to your property ...

Coalition for clean water: Flint is not in the clear

The struggle for safe, affordable water in Flint, MI is accelerating as local grassroots groupings form a coalition seeking relief from the ...

Highland Park, MI: Families may lose homes over water bills

Cathy Talbott of the People’s Tribune interviewed Eban Morales, a member of the Highland Park (Michigan) Human Rights Coalition ...

No Jobs, No Water: How much longer do we have to live like this?

Baltimore City, whose police are under Federal investigation for outrageous cruelty, started shutting off water to 150 families a day. ...

Water is a human right

Mark Twain once said "whisky is for drinking; water is for fighting over." He was only half-joking. Nations have gone to war over water....

Toxic twins: Emergency Management and Flint River water

As in the mass water shut offs to tens of thousands of Detroiters, the evil kinship of Emergency Management and violation of human rights is on ...

No Safe Affordable Water—No Peace in Flint, MI

Giving new meaning to “Justice Delayed, Justice Denied,” Flint's Emergency Manager recently announced the formation of a water 'advisory committee' to bring “solutions” ...

Water Unfit for auto production

Recently, General Motors stunned the public by declaring it would no longer use city of Flint water because the chlorine ...

Water is a Human Right!

As fundamental economic changes unwind in Detroit, measures created to harm the poorest section of working families are offered that challenge the basic laws of humanity ...

Flint, MI: Vote while you still can!

Under Michigan’s Emergency Manager law, the city of Flint is run from Lansing, the state capital. Flint’s city council, mayor, and charter have no power. Residents have no voice. All local ...

In Flint, Paying Residents Lose Water Rights to Corporate Theft

While the Detroit water shutoffs drew international condemnation from the United Nations and shamed the city’s unelected Emergency Manager into allowing a temporary moratorium ...

Flint Protest Exposes Emergency Manager Order to Silence Public

With tape over their mouths, members of the Democracy Defense League, held a silent protest in the Lobby of the Flint City Hall to challenge yet another assault on any semblance of ...

Democracy: are Flint citizens ready to live without it???

Recent events here underscore the depth and breath of dictatorship as outlined under Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law. These “Managers” are ...

Thousands of school books destroyed by unelected Emergency Manager

The People’s Tribune’s, Sandy Reid, interviewed Linda G. Wheeler about the destruction of thousands of books in Highland Park, Michigan

Good Riddance To Emergency Manager Joseph Harris

After several tumultuous years, Joseph Harris, the Emergency Financial Manager in Benton Harbor, Michigan, is finally gone. He was a total failure. Joseph Harris...

Governor Snyder: Take This Law and Shove It! Michigan voters defeat dictator bill

A statewide bus tour, letters to the editor, TV ads, big donors, and more, did not keep Michigan’s Governor Snyder from suffering a stunning defeat on November 6 ...