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Corporate Power

The Right Wants to Divide Rural People and the Working Class. Here’s How We Unite.

The director of the Appalachia People's Union speaks on why the South is ready to stand up to Trump.

Supreme Court Dismantles Federal Regulation of Business

Recent Supreme Court decisions have opened the floodgates to allow corporate interests, in the name of profit, to dismantle the system of federal regulation that protects our rights and wellbeing.

Average US Taxpayer Contributed More to Militarism Than Medicare in 2023

$5,109 of the average American's taxpayer dollars went to fund the military and its support systems," said a new analysis.

Strike Expands: UAW Leader says Country Can’t Continue to Leave Workers Behind

UAW President Shawn Fain addresses why the expansion of the strike and the growing support globally and nationally in two venues. Workers are fighting to get their fair share at a time when the profits of automakers are soaring. The challenge is where we're going to go as a country.

UAW President Speaks About Union’s Historic Strike Against Corporate Greed

Declaring that “it’s time to stand up for the working class,” UAW President Shawn Fain speaks about the historic “Stand Up Strike” where for the first time the UAW struck all Big Three automakers at once. Worker wages, benefits and quality of life declined for decades, while automakers’ profits have skyrocketed.

Big Pharma Wants You to Magically Lose Weight with Ozempic:  Its Newest Cash Cow

Ozempic is for long-term use. After some significant weight loss occurs in about two years, financial assistance will be exhausted, regular insurance won’t cover it due to its cost, and then what? Novo Nordisk, producer of Ozempic, made a gross profit of $22.244B for the 12 months ending March 31, 2023.

$20 Billion Scam at the Heart of Medicare Advantage

The federal government spent $20.5 billion overpaying private insurers for Medicare Advantage last year, and endangering the overall financial stability of Medicare.

Fentanyl: The Latest Opium of the Masses

Fentanyl is the number one killer of 18- to 45-year-olds in this country. Solving the narcotics crisis means not only treatment and prevention, but ensuring all basic needs are met and treating everyone as a valuable, contributing member of society. This is a group effort and where we should put our money and effort.

Amid Ohio Nightmare: Rail Worker Alliance Urges Railroad Nationalization

After Ohio's toxic nightmare, an alliance of rail workers argues for public ownership of the industry, stating that "private and inadequately regulated industry is incapable of doing the job."

What You Don’t Have and Why

In the early 1900s, the US government carried out a wholesale assault against American socialists, and this was among the factors that caused serious and lasting setbacks in the efforts to enact reforms like universal health care. Historically, both here and abroad, significant advances in health and welfare have often been spearheaded by socialist parties

Water Wars: Trump’s EPA will create more Flints

  America is heading for a showdown between the corporations and the American people. Corporate owner Warren Buffett gave notice in 2006 when he said,...

Proposed EPA cuts: corporations are making the rules

President Trump’s proposed cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency would nearly eliminate all regional cleanup programs, including those for the Great ...

Stop Gifting Nestlé, Governor Snyder!

This just in: The Oscebla Township Planning Commission just denied the water permit for Nestlés. Evidently, the (growing) push back from activists all over the state ...

Water is our Mother – without it there is no life

Without water, there is no life. So, we do the things we do— these crazy water protectors—for the plants, for the animals, for the future generations. ’Cause we understand ...

Coal miner speaks about the fight to save miner’s healthcare

By Chuck Nelson, interviewed by Sandy Reid  People’s Tribune: Chuck, what is going on with the miner’s benefits? Chuck Nelson: Back in 1946, Truman said if...

Standing up to the attack on our lives and the planet

  In a recent townhall meeting with a member of Congress in Arkansas, thousands of people turned out to demand that the government do something...

Corporate control of energy is killing us

  One of Trump’s first acts as president was to green-light the Dakota Access Pipeline, threatening the drinking water of millions of people. For months,...

What and who is government for?

If you are elderly, chronically ill, disabled, retired or just plain poor this question —what and who is government for—should now be on your mind. President ...

Why do corporations want our public schools?

The destruction of our public school system in favor of privatized corporate run schools began long before Trump, under both Republican and Democratic ...

Medicaid still in crosshairs: the best defense is a united offense!

The legislative defeat of the American Health Care Act unleashes the path to a real solution for guaranteed healthcare for all. Defense of Medicaid remains ...

Third year commemoration of the poisoning of Flint

April, 2017 marks the third year commemoration of the poisoning of the water and the people of Flint. As a tribute to their monumental struggle, which has put the ...

Why I am joining the March for Science

I have been a working research scientist for almost 50 years. I will join the March for Science in opposition to the current threat to science and ...

Pennsylvanians take a stand against pipeline

The Lancaster Stand was established on a farm in southern Lancaster County, Pa., on March 4. The encampment has brought together opponents of the ...

“Our streams run orange and black,” says West Virginian

Paula Swearengin, a coal miner’s daughter, and uncompromising leader in the fight for clean water and air in Appalachia, spoke with Senator Bernie Sanders ...

Water protector asks: “What is American culture?”

The following are excerpts from an interview with Nirvana Anulekha (Muscogee Creek Nation), Water Protector and Journalist with Indigenous Live ...

The struggle for democracy in America intensifies

The 2016 presidential election was one of the most divisive in our country’s history. This is no surprise, given the economic, moral, and political crisis we face ...

Attacks on a free press are an attack on democracy

As the corporations move to complete their takeover of the government, stamping out whatever democracy we have, the attack on the press and ...

Two women suffering from mental illness are murdered by police

Renee Davis, a pregnant 23 year-old mother of 3 small children 2, 3, and 5 years old, who suffered from depression, was shot dead by police in her home on ...

Poverty is not a crime

My name is Ted Quant. I am here to speak in support of the ordinance to end the policy of keeping people in jail on non-violent municipal charges simply because they are ...

Judges, prosecutors and law enforcement are parasites

A worker is above all a producer. The workers produce all of the wealth in the possession of the billionaire corporate class. The corporate class are parasites, as are the judges ...

“When a corporation can own a town, we’re in trouble”

Rebecca Fritz, with one of her children, is sounding the alarm about fascism. She fights poverty every day, trying to raise a family on her own. She joined the bus ...

How we can fight the corporate dictatorship

  According to a famous story, car manufacturer Henry Ford and labor leader Walter Reuther toured a new automated engine production plant during the mid-1950s....

The elections and a vision of a new society

McDonalds has announced they will open 25,000 robot-run restaurants. Amazon is replacing human stock pickers in its massive warehouses with robots. We’re living in revolutionary times. As robotics and computerization transform all existing industries ...

Hunger strikers speak out against police murders

On April 21, five individuals known as ‘The Frisco Five’ began a hunger strike at the Mission Police Station in San Francisco. They were protesting the string of police ...

Homelessness and the new world we could have

This society is dying right before our eyes. Capitalism has advanced to the stage where human labor is becoming obsolete. The micro-chip processor, introduced into ...

Hundreds of homeless forced from encampment in Eureka

I need to break people’s hearts. I need to share with them the cruel horror of the marsh. It is the coldest, windiest, wettest place around here and yet this is where ...

“There are no pets in flint!” resident says

Walking door to door in Flint, MI, to ask residents about their need for water, or water filters, or access to health care exposed the absolute horror ...

Dirty pipes, poison profits

“The City of Flint, Michigan paid Veolia, the largest private operator of municipal water and sewer systems in the U.S., $40,000 to conduct an analysis of its water system ...

Detroit teachers and parents join ‘sickout’

When the “Emergency Manager” for Detroit Public Schools (DPS), Steven Rhodes, announced there were insufficient funds to continue paying teachers what they are ...

They’re not helping me,’ says man with high lead levels

My name is Aaron Stinson for all you that don’t know me or may have not seen me. I have the highest lead level recorded in Genesee County. I was tested February 7 ...

Live Community Culture

CHICAGO, IL — A spectre haunts the Americas, a spectre composed of millions of artivists who have united to rescue communities from the attacks of the corporative dictatorship that destroys us with its death doctrine.

Fighting the Dictatorship in Michigan

The dismantling of democracy is wreaking havoc in Michigan. A corporate dictator law passed in 2011 authorizes the governor to dispatch Emergency Managers ...

Dictator law poisoned Flint: Harbinger for America?

  A battle is unfolding in America. The workers are fighting for life itself— for food, water, shelter, healthcare, and education against a corporate class...

Flint in forefront of battle for health care for everyone

  America’s inability to provide good health care for all is most clearly visible when we have a health catastrophe such as exists today in...

Cooperative spirit key to ending homelessness

Despite massive rollout efforts, Covered California (ACA and Medicaid Expansion), have not yet proved the long-term healthcare solution for the ...

Sweeps in San Francisco aim to force homeless out

Okay let's just be honest about what is going on in this city . . . This city does not care about homeless people—all the men, women, and children ...

Democracy is a righteous threat to corporate rule

Named the “Homrich 9“ for blocking trucks owned by Homrich demolition company from shutting off thousands of poor people‘s water, our actions ...

The destruction of Detroit Schools and Emergency Management

Dozens of Detroit teachers staged a “sick-out” protest in January 2016, to draw attention to the deplorable condition of the school buildings that ...

The face of opposition to Emergency Management: Rev. Pinkney

Rev. Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor, MI was among the first to speak out against the state’s dictator law which allowed for Whirlpool to take over the town’s prime ...

No jobs, only lead poisoning for Flint and Baltimore workers

How would you like to look into the face of your five-year-old daughter and know she is mentally retarded for life because you gave her a bath? ...

Hundreds of Californians rally against oil trains

Hundreds of people from around California went to San Luis Obispo on February 4 to urge the county Planning Commission to reject Phillips 66 ...

“It’s Almost Like We Don’t Matter”

“Why do they treat us this way?” asked one student. Oakland’s Laney College, called “The Flagship” of the Peralta Community College District, is a ...

Water for life, not for profit

  The poisoning of the people of Flint, Michigan—especially the children—with lead and other toxins in the drinking water is just the latest ugly example...

Movement for justice in education can only be national

When March, 2016 arrives, Illinois may still be holding back the $500 million supposed to be allocated to Chicago’s public schools. Negotiations between the ...

The trial of the Homrich 9

This is an interview with Marian Kramer, one of the Homrich 9 water warriors in Detroit, MI, arrested for disorderly conduct while blocking city trucks setting out to ...

The homeless stand up for their rights

Here's a true story I want to tell you. It all started on September 25, 2015. Merced, California was having a Homeless Connect event. A lot of us ...

Victory for the Homeless

On December 15, 2015, after 18 months of struggle, the homeless in Santa Clara County won written commitments from the San Jose ...

Homeless leader speaks on homeless realities

During police sweeps you have a few minutes to save your belongings if you are lucky. Cities have no intention of preserving or keeping it for you. The intention is to purposely ...

Homeless occupy city halls: resistance is rising

Last night, Dec. 20, 2015, I spent what can only be called the night from Hell [at the homeless protest in front of Sacramento City Hall]. Even with a tarp over and under ...

“I was moved out of SHU after nine years of torture”

I hope this letter reaches you all in the best of health and spirits. As you all probably heard, we SHU prisoners have reached a legal agreement with our captors, and as a ...

Battle for prisoners’ rights and environmental justice in Kentucky

The United States boasts the highest prison population in the world. The government constantly installs new, larger prisons to fill with “criminals” indicted for committing ...

Greetings from Rev. Pinkney!

Over New Year’s, we drove from Chicago to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (near Canada) to visit Rev. Edward Pinkney. Isolated in a prison that looks like a 19th century castle ...

We demand the real criminals go to jail

In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King shared a prophetic speech to millions of people called, "I Have A Dream." In it, he quoted the Old Testament Prophet Amos: "But let justice ...

Free Rev. Pinkney!

Defender of the poor and a political prisoner—Rev. Pinkney sounded the alarm early on about the threat of the iron fist of the emergency manager system of corporate ...

“The Pinkney’s have done so much for so many,” says supporter

On Dec. 15, 2014 two people were actually sentenced by the Berrien County courts—Rev. Edward Pinkney, who was railroaded, and his wife, Dorothy. The first thing I take issue ...

Why the fascist attacks on our youth?

  Children and young people are a sacred generation in any society. They embody the hope and potential that the society holds for its future....

Threat to democracy and jury system in water trial

In July of 2014, nine protesters were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct as they blocked Homrich trucks hired by the city from leaving their ...

Water Wars Escalate In Flint, MI

“The thought of people being put out of their homes because the water has been cut off and it's been cut off illegally is very emotional to me.” — Val Washington, Flint ...

Fighting Chicago police violence and the fight for a new society

The execution in 2014 of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago cop has sparked the city’s worst scandal in decades and growing calls for “Mayor 1%” Rahm ...

What we must do to stop the rising police state

The recent publicity around the 2014 murder of Laquan McDonald by Chicago police has again focused a spotlight on the campaign of terror the police are waging ...

Police with guns in high schools

I am a high school student in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Even back in middle school, I have always been aware of police on my ...

A nation of immigrants

“The United States IS a nation of immigrants. The colonization of America was the result of revolutionary changes taking place in the methods of producing the necessities ...

“So many young people are involved now,” says Dorothy Pinkney

“I was four-years-old when my parents moved to Benton Harbor’s countryside. When we moved to the city, I saw a different side to Benton Harbor. I remember walking ...

Benton Harbor rally for Rev. Pinkney

On Nov. 24, 2015, Benton Harbor activists gathered in front of the Berrien County Court House to rally for Rev. Ed Pinkney's freedom. He has been ...

Attacks on the homeless threaten all of us

  An overwhelming majority of the American people want to see the problem of homelessness solved. They consider it insane that people continue to die...

Struggle for justice continues in Baltimore

Six Baltimore police officers were indicted on charges connected to the death of Freddie Gray. Freddie’s treatment before he was put in the police van was ...

Lessons learned in the moment

Thinking about lessons I’ve learned over the last eight years and, I ask, “Why do I care and fight so much?” I’ve been labeled an everything you can think of, ...

“We have to fight each instance of police violence”

Tamir Rice, 12 years old, was shot and killed by police within seconds after police arrived at a park in Cleveland, Ohio. Deven Guilford, 17, was shot seven ...

“Tasers equal torture!”

Members of the public recently lined up to testify before the Berkeley City Council at a hearing on the Berkeley Police Department’s desire to acquire tasers as ...

Los Angeles: Homeless Capital of the Nation.

Homeless residents all over Los Angeles woke up on June 16 to the realization that their possessions, if left on the street for more than 24 hours, could be ...

Pinkney case: corporate dictatorship tries to silence movement

Rev. Edward Pinkney was recently moved by the Michigan Department of Corrections from Lakeland prison, near his home, to Marquette prison, almost ...

Benton Harbor votes out mayor!

I think the election process was really good. Mayor James Hightower was voted out! Marcus Muhammad won. It shows that people are awakening. ...

Mass incarceration! We must unify to stop it

You better keep your mind on your freedom and freedom on your mind. You may think you know how the criminal justice system works. But TV is ...

Benton Harbor: “You deserve to be heard!”

I’m running for Commissioner at Large in Benton Harbor, MI. Mary Donald, the previous commissioner passed away. Up to then I had no ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Help get the People’s Tribune out to homeless organizations and places where the homeless gather! Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an...

Abundance of food while people starve

If you had to make a choice between buying food or paying your bills, what choice would you make? This is the dilemma millions of Americans ...

Emergency Manager law enables corporate takeover of Michigan’s water

In 2001, the notorious right-wing think tank, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, devoted their quarterly magazine “Michigan Privatization ...

Grassroots movement of homeless is forming

A statewide grass roots movement of homeless people, formerly homeless, and their supporters is forming in Florida to resist those who ...

Let us put humanity first! says formerly homeless woman

I have been homeless for the past three years, just moving out of homelessness recently. I’m here to talk to you about my personal experiences ...

The #LetUsBreathe Collective: One-year later

People’s Tribune correspondent Adam Gottlieb interviews Damon Williams, co-director and founding member of The #LetUsBreathe Collective in Chicago, IL. This is part of a...

Letter to the Editor: Police killing of pregnant Mom

“Thank you for your story on Jeanetta Riley [pictured above]. I knew Jeanetta. She had a good heart and did not deserve to go out like this. ...

When hunger is a crime

I want to attend Chicago’s Moral Monday March, but I cannot because I am going to be in a Cook County courtroom to support two teenagers accused of retail theft. They had no food ...

Attack on immigrants aims to cultivate a fascist movement

The billionaire Donald Trump, and his racist rants against the immigrant worker are just the tip of the iceberg. Trump is trying to tap into and ...

The Revival in Philly (US Social Forum)

Meeting with Immortal Technique, and Rebel Diaz, may have been the highlight of a trip I took from Florida to Philadelphia to be at this summer's ...

We must stand together and demand justice

My name is Rev. Edward Pinkney. I am in prison in Coldwater, Michigan, a victim of racism and corporate power in Berrien County, Michigan. ...

“I pray the whole judicial system is investigated,” says Benton Harbor Commissioner-at-Large

I’m trying to get Marcus Muhammad elected as mayor in the August election in Benton Harbor. After examining everything we have gone ...

Homeless in fight for their survival

In New York City they might find temporary housing—New York has beds for about 60% of its 50,000 homeless residents, lodging many in filthy ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an economic system based on the private property of a billionaire owning class. Automation is replacing workers ...

“Im not ready to give up! A victory for homeless rights

What we have here is an occupation, a fight for the commons, a fight for homeless rights. We have a literature table, we have a free box, we have ...

Water struggles: Assault on poor galvanizes response

As State Chairperson of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization, I am reminded that in the State Capitol in Lansing stands a bronze statue of ...

International Social Movements Gathering on Water and Affordable Housing, Detroit, MI

“In 2012 the city stopped sending out water bills. Now residents are getting water bills for thousands of dollars. The bills are attached to your property ...

In this era of antagonism the attacks on us are relentless

Wages can consist of your paycheck, your profit sharing check and the cost of medical insurance for you and the family. They can also consist of the medical ...

Reparations: window into a new society

Chicago is known as the torture capital of the U.S. Rebuked by the United Nations Commission on Torture, the subject of a Guardian series on the ...

Police state: Americans are under siege

As American citizens we have proudly worn a subliminal badge of honor elevating our "freedom" to that of a black American Express Card which we can ...

“Build a society where the people, not corporations, make the decisions”

The vicious, cowardly attack on democracy in Benton Harbor, Michigan, shows that the corporate power structure is determined to crush anyone ...

“We are all here together” says Benton Harbor activist

In 2012, Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams from Cleveland, Ohio, were driving in their older model car, in need of repair, when it backfired. ...

Rev. Pinkney jailed for being a spokesperson for the poor

Rev. Edward Pinkney, convicted without evidence of changing dates on petitions in a recall election of corporate-backed Mayor James Hightower, is filing a motion to be ...

Growing homelessness demands planned economy

The fact that there is such a thing as homelessness in America is a shameful national crime. Every winter, countless homeless people die from...

California drought affects poor disproportionately

Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency in the rich agricultural state of California, which is enduring the fourth ...

Water is a human right!

Corporate investors have a long-term goal to privatize the public’s water and make it available only to those who can pay. This is legal under ...

The rising police state

The underpinning of the rising police state is the changing economy and the mass poverty it produces. Given American history, ...

Homeless pregnant Mom killed by police

Jeanetta Riley, a pregnant homeless mother of three who suffered from emotional difficulties, was killed by police as she waved a knife ...

Protect the right to rest

Every day one of the largest concentrations of police power anywhere in the world descends on a small part of downtown Los ...

“Let’s join together and fight this monster,” says Rev. Pinkney from prison

Today I am speaking from Lakeland prison. If we assume that life is worth living and a man has a right to service, I will say that the ...

Voices from Benton Harbor

The quotes below are from Benton Harbor residents. The community is deeply concerned about the railroading of Rev. Pinkney for his ...

How to deal with criminal corporations

In 2010, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) destroyed part of San Bruno, CA, when a main gas line exploded. Since then, weekly ...

July 4th: Break with the parties of corporate America

On July 4, 1776, during the American Revolution, the Second Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies approved the Declaration of Independence. While we are...

San Diego march against Monsanto

On May 25 — Stop Monsanto Day — as worldwide actions were taking place, those of us in San Diego mounted one of our most successful actions since the First Occupy Assembly ...

Why the Chicago Sun Times fired its entire photo staff

The up and coming generation "Z" is totally based in robotics and electronics and have been raised on pixels. They were born into laptops, iPads, smartphones, texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc ...

Illinois Democrats Sell Out to Big Oil and Gas

Horizontal hydraulic fracturing will now be allowed in Illinois as the much touted regulatory bill passed the legislature. This is despite the tireless efforts of health and community opposition ...

School closures show people, not corporations, must control society

The sledgehammer came down on the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on May 22: the school board voted to close 49 schools, “turn around” another five, and “co-locate” 11 more schools ...

Every social process moves to the beat of consciousness

Laura Garcia, editor of the Tribuno del Pueblo, had the privilege of talking with Father Alejandro Solalinde who headed a Caravan through the U.S. to denounce the brutality suffered by migrants ...

Stop the closing of Oakman elementary

Students, parents, teachers and supporters have held several protests to stop the closing of Oakman Elementary Orthopedic School which specializes in teaching children with ...

Healthcare and civility spiral out of control

As Detroit continues to be one of the "poster child" cities of corporate America’s exercise of total control, each day presents another challenge to basic rights. Democracy in Michigan was ...

Why we need to end‘corporate personhood’

The need for the constitutional amendment against ‘corporate personhood’ advocated by Move to Amend was demonstrated clearly by a recent vote in the U.S. Senate. On the eve of the late-May ...

Why America is “For Sale” The fight for a new world

In a recent movie, a billionaire approached a man and offered him a million dollars to spend the night with his wife. The man...

The Dream Fifty Years Later: Fiftieth Anniversary of Detroit’s Civil Rights March

“Almost one hundred and one years ago, on September the 22nd, 1862, to be exact, a great and noble American, Abraham Lincoln, signed an executive order, which was to take effect ...

Emergency Manager Coming to a Town near You?

Detroit’s Emergency Manager, Kevyn Orr, has made his first report. The trends that caused the Detroit decline include a population decline of 250,000 from 2000-2010, declining tax revenues, a vast geographical space ...

The Crisis in Public Education: And Justice for All

The public school system in America is being gradually eliminated. Is it because it is the last area whereby corporations can create for-profit schools and the fact that our minority ...

Charter School Week – Front for Corporate Takeover of Education

On May 3, President Obama proclaimed May 5-11 National Charter School Week. The Chicago Tribune noted that this was an affront to Obama’s supporters in the teachers’ ...

Pastors Protest Fresno Police Brutality

The National Network in Action, a civil and human rights organization, the Mexican-American Political Association, the Fresno Brown Berets and New Light for New Life Church ...

10,000 Drones in the Sky?

The letter below, written on April 3, 2013, is part of national Veterans for Peace (VFP) campaign to educate people about the danger of drone technology. “VFP is a global organization of military ...

Corporations determine if a tenant is “guilty” of a crime, Cabrini Green

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Title 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Section§966.4 Lease requirements, Part (l)(5)(iii) Eviction for criminal Activity ...

Whirlpool and Emergency Manager move to take control of Benton Harbor Parks

Every American ought to have the right to vote and their vote should mean something. Everyone ought to have the right to clean air and clean water, to integrity and transparency in a democracy ...

Death of Democracy Divides Detroit: The People vs the Corporations

As if we’d been soaked in a bucket of ice cold water, Detroiters and residents of surrounding communities have been shaken and shocked as we witness first-hand what a total State takeover looks ...

Corporations Are Not People! Money is not speech! The 127th Anniversary of Corporate Personhood!

Corporations have been legal people for nearly 127 years, slowly but surely gaining more and more rights under our Constitution and through our legal...

Democracy vs Emergency Managers

The creation of a new form of government, which was adopted by the Michigan Legislature and recently enacted by Governor Rick Snyder, begs the question, “What is a representative government?” The independent act of hiring “Emergency Managers” ...

The Dictators and Billionaires Take Control

The Whirlpool Corporation has unveiled a plan to completely gentrify downtown Benton Harbor, Michigan. This is being accomplished with the aid of the new Emergency Manager, Tony Saunders ...

Federal deficit: The corporations caused it, let them pay

 The corporate mouthpieces are telling us that  “entitlement” programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be cut to reduce the federal budget deficit....

In Defense of the Earth: The People vs Corporate Plunder

 The blows of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast, and a summer of floods, severe droughts and monster forest fires, left the people of...

Michigan: Fight for democracy

A protester marches up Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Michigan on August 25, 2012 with hundreds of others during a Rainbow Push Coalition March. A...

A Tall Order from a Tall Union Man

 I told myself I was done kicking dead horses, sleeping giants, and inanimate movements. And then Right To Work For Less came to Michigan...

Cross-Border unity against corporate partnerships

 A movement of movements is re-uniting across the globe to say “ENOUGH!” to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—an international proposal being pushed by the Obama...

Benton Harbor and Detroit are under a vicious fascist attack

Rev. Edward Pinkney, bhbanco.org The majority of the African-American people in Michigan are under the fascist newEmergency Manager law. But we are all threatened by...

Fighting corporate ‘Right to Work’ law

In the face of 12,000 protesters, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a right-to-work bill December 11, 2012, making Michigan the 24th state to become right to work ...

Bangladesh Garment Factory Workers Killed by Wal-Mart’s Low Prices

One day after “Black Friday,” when shoppers rushed to stores to buy holiday gifts and OUR WALMART rallied to raise salaries and increase full-time jobs with benefits ...