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‘We Are The Economy.’ Stand in Solidarity with Economic Disruption

If there is ever a time to take action to save some sort of democracy in the United States it is now. Many organizations...

Average US Taxpayer Contributed More to Militarism Than Medicare in 2023

$5,109 of the average American's taxpayer dollars went to fund the military and its support systems," said a new analysis.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Introduces Bill to Stop Politicians Profiting from War

Congresswoman Tlaib introduces bill to stop politicians from funnelling billions of American tax dollars to same defense contractors many of them are invested in and taking campaign donations from.

Strike Expands: UAW Leader says Country Can’t Continue to Leave Workers Behind

UAW President Shawn Fain addresses why the expansion of the strike and the growing support globally and nationally in two venues. Workers are fighting to get their fair share at a time when the profits of automakers are soaring. The challenge is where we're going to go as a country.

Here’s the Progressives Who Voted Against GOP’s Debt Ceiling ‘Extortion Scheme’

The final debt ceiling agreement will harm vulnerable people and the planet by imposing new work requirements on aid recipients and approving the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Nearly 40 progressives in Congress voted against it.

Should the People Own the Banks?

The recent bank failures – and the government bank bailouts – raise serious questions. Where is the bailout for the people? And why do we keep perpetuating a failing bank system?

What Will it Take to End the Billionaire Bailout Society?

Our only realistic path away from having to bail [banks] out over and over again is to nationalise large parts of the banking system. They should be run as publicly owned utilities.

Federal Debt Fight: We Need More for Those With the Least!

The U.S. Treasury Department will exhaust its ability to pay its bills unless the current $31.4 trillion cap on borrowing is raised or suspended. A gigantic, bloated military budget and massive tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires has created the crisis. The debt limit has to be raised with expansion, not any cuts, to programs that benefit the poor, hungry, homeless, and disabled.

Anti-union, pro-business Illinois governor reduces budget to nothing

In 2014, corporate money bought Bruce Rauner the office of governor in the very troubled state of Illinois. Rauner’s pro-business, anti-union agenda and his refusal to raise revenues ...

The struggle for democracy in America intensifies

The 2016 presidential election was one of the most divisive in our country’s history. This is no surprise, given the economic, moral, and political crisis we face ...

How we can fight the corporate dictatorship

  According to a famous story, car manufacturer Henry Ford and labor leader Walter Reuther toured a new automated engine production plant during the mid-1950s....

Homelessness and the new world we could have

This society is dying right before our eyes. Capitalism has advanced to the stage where human labor is becoming obsolete. The micro-chip processor, introduced into ...

Foreclosure: symptom of a dying society

  For most of us, home ownership is the epitome of the American dream. In a 2015 Wells Fargo survey, 65% felt that homeownership is...

The Birth of an Activist

It is not a choice made, this birth. It is the direct result of the implantation of injustices, fertilized by greed and unconcern, that impregnates certain ...

Tens of thousands affected by displacement in Silicon Valley

Tenants and members of the homeless community protested early in the morning outside the hearing of the California Senate Committee on Transportation and ...

Fighting Chicago police violence and the fight for a new society

The execution in 2014 of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago cop has sparked the city’s worst scandal in decades and growing calls for “Mayor 1%” Rahm ...

Nelson Peery, 1923-2015

It is with great sorrow that we inform you that our beloved comrade, Nelson Peery, editorial board member and founder of the People’s Tribune, ...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Help get the People’s Tribune out to homeless organizations and places where the homeless gather! Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an...

Help get the People’s Tribune out to the homeless!

Homelessness is a stark example of the degeneration of an economic system based on the private property of a billionaire owning class. Automation is replacing workers ...

Housing is a cure for homelessness

In a movie to be released this September, “99 Homes,” real estate shark Rick Carver relays this message to an evicted suburban homeowner: “America ...

Nationalize healthcare for all

You have to be rich to get good healthcare in America. One in three Americans say they have trouble paying medical bills. Even the relatively ...

“Im not ready to give up! A victory for homeless rights

What we have here is an occupation, a fight for the commons, a fight for homeless rights. We have a literature table, we have a free box, we have ...

In this era of antagonism the attacks on us are relentless

Wages can consist of your paycheck, your profit sharing check and the cost of medical insurance for you and the family. They can also consist of the medical ...

Growing homelessness demands planned economy

The fact that there is such a thing as homelessness in America is a shameful national crime. Every winter, countless homeless people die from...

No Jobs, No Water: How much longer do we have to live like this?

Baltimore City, whose police are under Federal investigation for outrageous cruelty, started shutting off water to 150 families a day. ...

Police killing of teen ruled lawful

Protests broke out after the Madison, WI, district attorney ruled that the killing of 19-yearold Tony Robinson was a lawful use of deadly ...

How to deal with criminal corporations

In 2010, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) destroyed part of San Bruno, CA, when a main gas line exploded. Since then, weekly ...

July 4th: Break with the parties of corporate America

On July 4, 1776, during the American Revolution, the Second Continental Congress of the Thirteen Colonies approved the Declaration of Independence. While we are...

Why we need to end‘corporate personhood’

The need for the constitutional amendment against ‘corporate personhood’ advocated by Move to Amend was demonstrated clearly by a recent vote in the U.S. Senate. On the eve of the late-May ...

Federal deficit: The corporations caused it, let them pay

 The corporate mouthpieces are telling us that  “entitlement” programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be cut to reduce the federal budget deficit....

Cross-Border unity against corporate partnerships

 A movement of movements is re-uniting across the globe to say “ENOUGH!” to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—an international proposal being pushed by the Obama...

Benton Harbor and Detroit are under a vicious fascist attack

Rev. Edward Pinkney, bhbanco.org The majority of the African-American people in Michigan are under the fascist newEmergency Manager law. But we are all threatened by...