“There’s something many Democrats just don’t get about Bernie supporters. It’s actually pretty simple: many of us are drowning. We can’t find steady work. We can’t afford health care. We can’t send our kids to college and we’re suffocating from school debt. We haven’t had a vacation in years. We are lucky if we get from one paycheck to the next. You all are quite reasonably afraid of the nightmare that might come with a Trump presidency. We fear that, too. But we are already living in crisis mode. While the candidates differ in significant ways, both offer unthinkable options, whether cutting services, limiting our rights, inciting hatred or promoting an increasingly pro-corporate agenda, destroying our planet, or sending our children to endless war. Please hear this: I’m furious. I’m furious that my hard work to leave my kids a brighter future is being belittled. I’m furious that Obama protected Clinton. I’m furious at Elizabeth Warren who built a career on getting big money of politics and then, went all in for the Wall Street candidate. I’m furious at the lies the Clinton campaign told about Sanders. I’m furious that the media created the Trump monster. I’m furious that mainstream media lied to suppress the vote. I’m furious that hundreds of thousands of folks in Arizona and New York were denied their right to vote. I’m furious that polling stations closed with lines so long that elderly Puerto Ricans fainted in the hot sun. I’m furious that Clinton declared victory before half the votes in California were not even counted.” —Excerpted from a Google document by Melisa Crosby
“The Sanders campaign was an opportunity to talk about socialism, an opportunity to get millennials to reinforce their anti-capitalist feelings. What kind of organization will come out of this that establishes something of a permanent movement? Some are not going into the Hillary camp, others are reluctantly voting for her. Many are insuring that Republicans are defeated in state elections. The only way I saw to carry on the “political revolution” was to go into the Green Party.” — Fran Shor, Green Party candidate for Wayne State University Board of Governors
“I’ve never voted in a presidential election, but I knew I would have for Bernie. It’s pretty wild that the oldest candidate running had a majority of the younger generation’s support!” – Logan, a college student with a lot of student debt
“Through collaboration, this revolution will succeed.” — Akiko Abe
Comments from various delegates at a Detroit Labor for Bernie gathering:
“Bernie said we want something that is good for people—why are you poisoning and killing the people—100,000 people in Flint poisoned. They are killing us literally.”
“How proud I am of all of the people that created the political revolution. I saw ordinary working people . . .”
“We have to be prepared to go from the Democratic Party to a viable third party.”
Voices from the people about the elections
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