The threat to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and replace it with something unknown has millions living in fear of losing their health insurance. People want the cost of their care under the ACA to come down, and they want to keep their access to care. Defending the ACA is only a first step, however. The next step is to demand that the government extend Medicare, free of charge, to everyone. And even that is just another step; in the end we have to take the profit motive out of health care so we can make sure everyone gets care, not just insurance.
Is the government going to represent the interests of the corporations, or the interests of the people? We need the government to intervene on behalf of the people
Forcing the government to recognize health care as a human right is a key battle in the fight for a whole new society where all of us can lead happy and healthy lives.
The ACA is grossly inadequate. It should be replaced with a national health plan similar to that of France or Cuba. Healthcare is a basic human right!