MORGANTOWN, WV — I officially began my real political activism in 2015. I was inspired by none other than Bernie Sanders. Bernie spoke to me like no other politician ever had. He lit the flame that will forever “Bern” in my heart. I helped Bernie win ALL 55 counties in WV. I helped many Bernie National Delegates get funded so they could make it to Philly. I am a firm believer in Democracy.
I am running to make sure what happened at the DNC in Philadelphia NEVER happens again. I was absolutely heart broken to watch WV be called for Hillary when Bernie won EVERY county in our State. I was so frustrated I pretty much ran out to the corridor. I was looking for other Bernie delegates. That wasn’t hard to find! They said we are going to occupy the media tent. So I followed. That time in the media tent with the other hundreds of Bernie delegates was the most amazing experience. We sat there in complete silence holding each other’s hands trying not to lose it. We ALL were absolutely devastated. However, not surprised. I think our hearts broke because we knew then that Democracy and Freedom were just an illusion.
Since the DNC, I have not stopped. I am running for re-election to the County seat and running for the State Democratic Executive Committee against the WV Democratic Party Chair who was also one of the Superdelegates that chose Clinton. She is a root of the WV Democratic Party Corruption.
There are still so many West Virginians that have no idea how the WV DemocraticParty screwed them over.
I am proud to be a progressive Democrat seeking universal health care, strong public education, environmental responsibility, clean renewable energy, economic and social justice, and an end to the rule of corporations and lobbyists and the 1% in our society and government. I am running for re-election to the County seat and running for the State Democratic Executive Committee against the WV Democratic Party Chair who was also one of the Superdelegates that chose Clinton. She is a root of the WV Democratic Party Corruption.
WV is having a huge Progressive movement. I am only one of OVER 50 Progressives running for office in WV for the first time. I am so proud and excited to be a part of this movement. We are taking our state back, starting from the bottom up. Let’s move WV forward together! I will NEVER stop fighting for our Almost Heaven and our wonderful people in WV.