PADEN CITY, WV — The local water authority tested the water at our taps. It detected no contamination from PCE [perchloroethylene] but we expect to be on the EPA’s Superfund list or federal National Priorities list. This is the worst of the worst lists. On a good note, being on these lists makes our city eligible for funding that we all will use to get our houses tested by the EPA for tap water contamination or vapor intrusions. (See our online meeting with the EPA on facebook.com)
We as citizens of Paden City are looking at the possibility of being exposed through water and from vapor in our homes and businesses. The EPA is starting the second phase of this investigation and will hopefully have results shortly after. I just don’t want anyone to have a false security that we are safe!
We are showing non detect in our water systems but we are sitting on top of serious PCE contamination. EPA said we are looking at an estimate of 63 acres of a plume of PCE under our town. That’s a big plume. Remember these are just guidelines. It is never safe to be exposed to this chemical.
I’m doing our health surveys and they are proving some serious health concerns. We’re seeing clusters of extremely rare diseases in this town. Many cases of cancer and serious neurological disorders here are totally ignored. We know we’ve been exposed to PCE, per EPA’s own records.
I’m hoping this health survey will prove that no amount of PCE exposure is OK. I’m not trying to scare anyone, but am asking residents to please do their homework and call the EPA with all questions and concerns. They want to hear from us! Being looked at for a Superfund site is a very serious problem!
Stay safe and let’s keep working together to make our wonderful town safe. We will not know the answer for sure until the EPA’s investigation is complete. They will have another meeting to update us on their findings.