Kenneth Walker: “Breonna was my best friend, the most important person to me on earth. And they took her. [That night there] was a loud bang at the door. We were saying who is it several times. Dead silence. . .I grabbed my gun. I let off one shot . . . I [then] never heard so many gun shots. Bullets everywhere. She screamed. I was holding her hand. She was bleeding. I heard people outside. I thought they was coming for help. I come outside. Guns [are] pointed at me. An officer asks was I hit by any bullets. I said, no. He said, ‘that’s unfortunate.’ I got dragged down the street [to police headquarters]. It’s cold, wet. I didn’t have any socks or shoes. In my cell on the TV I hear she died. . . [Walker said police body cams showed the Swat Team in the apartment with Breonna still there. “Let’s go ahead and move out. She’s done,” said one cop.] Breonna took care of a lot of people. It’s a lot of people that need her right now, including me.”
(Excerpts from CBS Video)
Kenneth, I am a white indian. And feel bad for the lost of Breanna. Thanks for the words of the BAD Cops. I feel bad for your lost. No More Needless Racism Deaths. No working email! peacefulwarrior1130@ gmail.com.