Housing insecurity is at an all-time high. Gentrification in our major cities is spreading a cloud of doom over once stable communities. Small homeowners can’t afford the ever-increasing taxes, and renters are driven out by impossible to pay rent increases. Public housing is simply disappearing. Is it any wonder that homelessness is now estimated in the millions?
All this is happening under a pretext of legality. Corruption of government funds earmarked for public housing is carried on quite openly. Backroom deals push people out so huge property-holding companies can make a killing in turnover profits.
While masses of people are dislocated, millions of houses and apartments stand empty, just waiting for another property flip. To most Americans, this makes no sense. Why should so many suffer when relief of our misery is at hand?
It may be that technology is replacing the need for human labor in the economy, driving our value as workers down—but can we allow the new “winners” in our society to dictate the fate for the majority of us? Will we continue to be manipulated by a system rigged against us or will we stand up for ourselves?
Housing is a human right and must be protected by any government that calls itself “for the people.” Renters, homeowners, and homeless—we all need to join together with one voice on this issue to demand that “we the people” are guaranteed housing, no matter what our income is. – The People’s Tribune
Articles from the print edition:
Housing is not a right for an entire class in our society
Politically protected gentrification in Chicago
Poor Tour of the homeless: We have a right to exist!
Homeless in Los Angeles: Welcome to Garcettiville
“Golden Years” Nightmare